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Computes the function [f,e] = frexp(x) using the math library


Computes the function [f, e]=frexp(x) using the math library. This function splits a floating point number into a fraction F and an exponent E, such that the absolute value of F is in the range [0.5 1.0) and such that 2^E * F equals the input value. The output pin 'f' is a floating-point value and the output pin 'e' is an integer.

Type Definition

typedef struct _ModuleFrexp
    ModuleInstanceDescriptor instance;            // Common Audio Weaver module instance structure
} ModuleFrexpClass;


Input Pins

Name: x

Description: Input signal x

Data type: float

Channel range: Unrestricted

Block size range: Unrestricted

Sample rate range: Unrestricted

Complex support: Real

Output Pins

Name: f

Description: Fractional output f

Data type: float

Name: e

Description: Exponent n

Data type: int


File Name: frexp_module.m

 Creates an Audio Weaver module that computes the function frexp(x)
 using the math library.  This function splits a floating point 
 number into a fraction F and an exponent E, such that the absolute 
 value of F is in the range [0.5 1.0) and such that 2^E * F equals
 the input value.  The output F is a floating-point value; the output
 E is an integer.  Arguments:
    NAME - name of the module.

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