PyAWECore Library
PyAWECore Library is a Pythonic wrapper or abstraction for AWE Core. It allows the use of AWE Core in Python scripts or programs.
This enables the processing of AWE signal flows conveniently on the PC, without the need to open them in AWE Designer or in Matlab.
Once PyAWECore Library is installed, a command line script can be used for passing audio data to AWE Core. By using PyAWECore Library's API, other use-cases can be implemented too.
This little sample code shows how to process a WAV file.
import awecorelib
import wave
signalflow_file = "my_signalflow.awb"
wave_input_file = "my_inputfile.wav"
# Initialization of AWE Core instances and loading an AWB file
awe = awecorelib.init_from_awb(signalflow_file)
awb = awe.load(signalflow_file)
collected_data = bytearray(b'')
with, 'r') as wav_in:
data_in = wav_in.readframes(awb.layout_info.fundamental_blocksize)
while data_in:
data_out = awe.pump(data_in, 2) # assuming a stereo-wav file here!
data_in = wav_in.readframes(awb.layout_info.fundamental_blocksize)
print(f"Processing done: {len(collected_data)} bytes of audio data obtained")
For license protection purposes, default builds of PyAWECore Library impose a 3-hour timeout upon the AWE Core instance. Hence, in the code example above, users would need to re-instantiate the line
awe = awecorelib.init_from_awb(signalflow_file)
at least once every three hours. Please contact your sales representative for a custom build of PyAWECore Library if you need AWE instances to run for longer durations.As of the PyAWECore Library 2.1.2 release, the TensorFlow Lite Micro and TensorFlow Lite Micro V2 Modules are not supported with the Linux (x86) PyAWECore Library wheel. However, this module is supported with the Windows wheel. This issue will be fixed in a future release.
As of the PyAWECore Library 2.1.2 release, the ONNX Runtime Module is not supported with PyAWECore Library. Support will be added in a future release.
Currently, PyAWECore Library is provided as Python wheel files. Those files are part of the Windows AWE Designer installation, and will be placed into a directory pyawecore
inside the base installation directory; for example, under C:\DSP Concepts\AWE Designer 8.D.2.6 Pro\pyawecore
Those wheel files have to be installed with a Python package manager like pip
(see “Installation of Wheels” below).
A Python installation is required. Please use a Python version that corresponds to the Python version mentioned in the wheel name, e.g., cp311
For Windows, PyAWECore Library is built using Python 3.11, as this also is compatible with the underlying Matlab engine. See python matlab compatibility for more details.
For WSL (Windows Linux Subsystem) and other Linux systems, Python 3.10 is currently used.
Installation of Wheels
Typically, Python packages are installed into "environments" and not into the system-wide Python installation. There are many ways to handle those environments, like pyenv or conda or simply pip - which also comes with the Python installation by default.
Perform the following steps in a command terminal/console to create a Python environment and install the wheels:
py -3 -m venv aweenv
to create a local environment; possibly you can usepython
instead ofpy
too. This depends on your Windows installation..\aweenv\Scripts\activate
to activate this environment
python -m venv aweenv
source ./aweenv/bin/activate
Once the environment is activated, you will have a change in the console prompt. You can then install the wheels into this environment:
(aweenv) pip install pyawe_awb-*.whl awecorelib-*-win_amd64.whl
(aweenv) pip install pyawe_awb-*.whl awecorelib-*-linux_x86_64.whl
Please note that you need to be connected to the internet when running this installation command as further Python package dependencies are retrieved.
Command-Line Scripts
Once the Python environment is activated and the PyAWECore Library packages are installed, some scripts are available:
(aweenv) awecorelib-docs
- this shows the documentation in HTML (in your system’s browser)(aweenv) awecorelib-filepump
- this can read audio data from a WAV file and “pump it” through a design (see below)(aweenv) awecorelib-config
- this shows the underlying AWE Core build and version information
Processing Audio
As mentioned above, PyAWECore Library's API can be used to implement programs covering many different use-cases. One of the typical tasks is to process an audio file through an AWE design. PyAWECore Library already provides a rudimentary implementation of such a program, the command-line script awecorelib-filepump
mentioned above.
Sine Wave Generator
A simple sine wave generator layout (provided in pyawecore/Designs/sine_generator.png
) can be used to generate a stereo WAV file. This first channel contains a clean sine tone, and the second channel is distorted with a pink noise.

To run this with PyAWECore Library (from the pyawecore
directory) use:
(aweenv) awecorelib-filepump ./Designs/sine_generator.awb -c 1000 -o my_sine_output.wav
This generates a 4-second-long audio signal (16000 / 64 = 4ms * 1000 = 4s) in the file my_sine_output.wav
Passthrough with Attenuation
A sine stereo input signal is passed through the design pyawecore/Designs/passthrough.awj
, which attenuates the first channel by minus 10dB.

To run this with PyAWECore Library (from the pyawecore
directory) use:
(aweenv) awecorelib-filepump ./Designs/passthrough.awb -w ./Audio/input_audio.wav -o my_passthrough_output.wav
This generates the file my_passthrough_output.wav
, which should have the same content as ./Audio/output_processed_audio.wav
Passthrough and Controlling the Attenuation
The same passthrough design is used now, but programmatically the gain on the second channel is decreased during processing.
To run this with PyAWECore Library (from the pyawecore
directory) use:
(aweenv) python ./Samples/
You should see a step-wise decrease of amplitude in the second channel in file passthrough_output_controlled.wav
, as in the following waveform plot.

PyAWECore Library Package Documentation
Extensive documentation for PyAWECore Library can be viewed after installation, by running the script awecorelib-docs
and clicking the link to open the documentation in your web browser.
PyAWECore Library Application Notes
An application note for showing how to use PyAWECore Library with Tensorflow for machine learning feature extraction and training is provided here: